Archive for the ‘street performer’ Tag

White Night – Melbourne   6 comments

portrait, portrait photography, performer, busker, happy, joy, street performer, Melbourne, White Night, nightLast night, I (with my family and 300,000 of my friends and neighbours) descended on Melbourne’s CBD for the inaugural White Night Melbourne event. It’s an all night party celebrating the arts running from 7pm Saturday to 7am Sunday. The organisers had hoped for 100,000 people so they must have been a little blown away with the final estimates.

From shortly after 7pm, people on foot took over the streets. The trams weren’t running. Cars had nowhere to go. People lined the streets from side to side.  For us, with two young kids, the crowds were a little overwhelming. The performers and the art installations were a little hard to see. If you looked hard and watched the crowds, there were gems to be found like the performer pictured above. He was the voice half of a duo making some great music in Flinders Lane. How happy is this guy!

I don’t know if it’s going to be an annual event now, but we might have to leave the kids at home next time so we can be more mobile and stay out later.


Day 172 – Ukeleles Make Me Angry   10 comments

Well, they don’t really, but they sure seem to drive this guy a little nuts. He’s one of The Be Arthurs, a high-energy, very entertaining, very funny, ukulele cover band who rocked the festival on Wednesday night.