Day 261 – It’s a Party!   15 comments

The older child had her birthday party this weekend. 14 screaming girls terrorizing the local pool. Actually they were surprisingly well-behaved. No terrorizing at all, just her and 11 friends having a good play. Since her younger sister was along for the ride, but so much younger than the older girls, she got to bring along a friend to play with. Sadly, they’re not yet 8 and that means they have to be within arms reach of someone who’s thirteen or older at all times when they’re in the pool. That means yours truly spent an hour chasing after two little children as they tried to cover every square centimeter of the pool area. I was very happy when it was time to quit the pool and head in for cake.

A friend of mine pointed out that the older child hasn’t seen much air time on the blog lately so here she is…

15 responses to “Day 261 – It’s a Party!

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  1. reminds me of my childhood!! I hope the clouds where crystal white 🙂 Awesome capture.

  2. Great composition. The toning makes it wonderfully dreamy or like an old memory. Well done. And I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one that catches flack for giving one kid more face time than another!

  3. You do great, moody, otherworldly shots, Mike! Happy day before birthday, BTW. May you eat far too much cake, and enjoy yourself in all ways (that are legal!!)

  4. Hope all had fun at the pool. What a wonderful image, I can totally see this as an Ad. 😀

  5. Super photo Mike…it is so playful…oh to be a kid again!

  6. Excellent picture, Mike. I like the whole thing of turf and clouds and your daughter doing a handstand >>> but I think that the strange, bluey green tinting also adds to it hugely – this tint gives it an intriguing air of unreality, which I like a lot. Adrian

  7. Thanks Adrian. It has actually given me a bunch of ideas that I’m now trying to figure out how to shoot. Must let it percolate away for a little while…

  8. Hey Mike how´d you do that, each post has a different header?

    • It’s a feature of my theme. I can upload a whole bunch of header images (1270×260) and it just chooses a random one for each page displayed. If I had more control, I’d actually choose a shorter header image (maybe 1270×130), but that’s apparently not an option.

  9. Very cool. Looks like it was taken on an alien planet!

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