Archive for the ‘baby’ Tag

Temporary Guest   5 comments

Bird, baby bird, Melbourne, Australia

I believe this young fella is a Common Myna. I found him (or her) and his sibling on our front walk as I was arriving home from work on Friday. They’re new borns not quite ready for flight. As they get used to their whole new world, they seem to have taken ownership of our front yard entirely. Anyone comes near, there’s a whole lot of squawking from the parents followed by swooping and grand attempts to lead us away. We’ve kept our distance – thank goodness for telephotos…

Day 270 – What Was I Thinking?!   12 comments

Some days, I have to ask myself “what was I thinking?” deciding to do a daily photo blog. You might notice, I’ve not exactly been keeping up lately. I’ve been pretty busy up until about five days ago. This past week I’ve had a reasonable amount of time on my hands, but some days it’s hard to get the motivation to work on the blog, especially since my camera hasn’t seen a lot of action lately.

I’m keen to get out and take some pictures, but the cold weather is holding me back. At least, that’s the excuse I’m using for the moment.  I need to find my photo mojo again. Winter and I need to reconcile and find our common ground. Not sure we can get along by just staying apart. There’s beauty out there in the snow. Perhaps I just need to bundle up and go for a walk…

For the next few days, I might continue resting on my laurels and using some warm, summer landscapes from my other life down under.